Ticket discounts
Discounts on tickets from your first trip
Just provide your seasmiles card number when issuing the ticket to earn more seasmiles. Once you have completed your registration and are on your first trip, you will immediately gain access to discounts on your tickets. See the discounts you get depending on your destination, here.
Domestic routes
Blue, Silver, Gold
Passenger Vehicles
on passenger vehicles to / from Piraeus and on intermediate routes
Unaccompanied Passenger Vehicles-20%
on unaccompanied passenger vehicles to / from Piraeus and on intermediate routes
N. Aegean (Chios - Mytilene - Psara - Oinousses - Lemnos)
Passenger Vehicles
on passenger vehicles to / from Praeus, Kavala & Thessaloniki and on intermediate routes
Unaccompanied Passenger Vehicles-20%
on unaccompanied passenger vehicles to / from Piraeus, Kavala & Thessaloniki and on intermediate routes
Saronic Gulf
Passenger Seats
on all passenger seats to / from Piraeus and on intermediate routes
Crete - Heraklion
Passenger Seats
on cabins to / from Heraklion
on Economy Class and Airline Seats
Passenger Vehicles & Moto-10%
on passenger vehicles and motorcycles to / from Heraklion
Crete - Heraklion & Sitia with BS Chios
Passenger Vehicles
on passenger vehicles to / from Piraeus and on intermediate routes
Passenger Seats-20%
on all passenger seats to / from Piraeus and on intermediate routes
Unaccompanied Passenger Vehicles-20%
on unaccompanied passenger vehicles to / from Piraeus and on intermediate routes
Dodecanese Islands
Passenger Vehicles
on passenger vehicles to / from Piraeus and on intermediate routes
Unaccompanied Passenger Vehicles-20%
on unaccompanied passenger vehicles to / from Piraeus and on intermediate routes
Passenger Seats-20%
on all passenger seats to / from Piraeus and on intermediate routes
N.E. Aegean (Ikaria - Fourni - Samos)
Passenger Vehicles
on passenger vehicles to / from Piraeus and on intermediate routes
on passenger vehicles to / from Samos to Kos- Rhodes
Unaccompanied Passenger Vehicles-20%
on unaccompanied passenger vehicles to / from Piraeus and on intermediate routes
Passenger Seats-20%
on all passenger seats to / from Piraeus and on intermediate routes
on all passenger seats to / from Samos to Kos - Rhodes
Aegina - Agistri (Myli) - Methana
Passenger Seats
on all passenger seats to / from Piraeus and on intermediate routes
Foreign routes
Silver, Gold
Passenger Vehicles
on all vehicles to / from Ancona, Bari, Venice (excluding trailers & open deck)
Passenger Seats-20%
on all passenger seats to / from Ancona, Bari, Venice